
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Plan for Going Bandung

Going Bandung

Background :
Hope to reach Bandung City, West Java by motorcycle from Muntilan City at Central Java.
Destination :
Reach Bandung City safely, can go around the city for about 2-3 days and knowing the condition about the city closer.
The Journey :
Start at Muntilan City
Will trough these cities :
1. Borobudur
2. Purworejo
3. Kutoarjo
4. Kebumen
5. Gombong
6. Buntu (Banyumas)
7. Majenang
8. Banjar
9. Ciamis
10. Tasikmalaya
11. Garut
12. Ciawi
13. Bandung
Those journey is about 400 Km’s

The vehicles will be used is Suzuki Smash 110 cc.

The gasoline will be used for go and home is about 2x (25 liters : 25 x Rp. 4500 : Rp. 112.500,-) = Rp. 225.000,-

The gasoline for around the city for 2-3days : 8 liters x Rp. 4500 : Rp. 36.000,-

For eating during the journey and the activities there : 16 x 10.000 = Rp. 160.000,-

Hotel : Rp. 200.000

Etc : Rp. 50.000,-

Cost must be loaded :
Gasoline : 225.000
Gasoline @ Bandung 36.000
Eating 160.000
Hotel 200.000
Etc 50.000

Total 701.000
This is for two persons so, each person must have minimal Rp. 350.500,-


  1. Cuma mitos ini, Sampe sekarang belum terealisasikan. Dari jaman jomblo sampe gebet, gebet sampe jadi, jadi sampe gonta-ganti, n sekarang punya istri plus anak satu.

  2. Wkwkwkwk sikaak, wes 9 tahun yang lalu durung kesampaian... yo kapan nek wes podo selone teko dilakoni, mbuh kapan..

  3. July 2024, update vehicle by Nmax. Update gasoline 12.500. Tapi belum kesampean juga.
