
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Avenue Widening Project from Armada to Palbapang

The avenue from Magelang to Jogja is one of country road. Specify one from The Armada Assembling Company to Palbapang T Junction connects Semarang and Yogyakarta
In certain and in a weekend days there will be a very terrible of traffic jam. It is happened depends of the wide of the avenue is just 9 meters long. The traffic jam always be at Blabak, Japunan, and Prajenan. So the government already planed for this widening over 9 km’s .
The big project was planed from 2006 but it just began in January 2010. The project runner is a Joint Operation of PT. Pembangunan Perumahan and PT. Armada Hada Graha with IDR 103.936.106.000,- and will be finished approximately two years begin from January 2010.
As the widening processing, there is built drainage over 9 Km’s in left and right of the road. And in fluctuating ground is dug and filled with stones so it can be asphalted normally. It can be seen at Blabak, Japunan, and UMM II Campus.

Otherwise, the Elo bridge that are two bridges with other altitude is renovated to be same

There will be more terrible traffic jam along the project so the road user from or to Yogyakarta can use the alternative road beneath.

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